Monday, November 16, 2009

How does the points scoring work in karate tournaments?

I know you get half points and full points but how are they awarded?|||This depends on the organisation the competition is organised by, but usually it is:

Kick to the body - 1point

Kick to the head - 2points

Punch to the head - 1point

Punch to the body - 1point

Jump kick to the head - 3points

Jump kick to the body - 2points

Hope this helps|||Also point%26#039;s might not be awarded if the judge or judges don%26#039;t think the technique is well executed.|||by throwing or punching and kicking the target|||it depends on what type of karate and what kind of tournament. i have a tournament tomorrow for all types of karate and the point go like this:

kick to body-1point

kick to head-2points

punch to head-1point

punch to body-1point

First one to 5 points wins. also you must hit the target with at least medium power and good execution or it does not count. Hope this helps. Remember it not the same for all types.

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