Monday, November 16, 2009

Has anyone ever had a bullying problem with a child taking karate classes?

My grandson is seven yrs. old and has a classmate that takes karate lessons. The classmate is a bully and has already hit my grandson in the eye. Should he be reported to the karate teacher?|||tell ur grandson to kick him in the BALLZ!!!!!!!!!!|||talk to the principle of the school and inform him that if he doesn%26#039;t do anything about the assaults you will involve the police.if the teacher is aware of the problem the principle should also be but it wont hurt to talk to him just in case hes not.i think the principle or the police should talk to the kids instructor not yourself.or maybe enroll your grandson in the class and let the instructor see first hand what is going on.|||Yes, you should definatley tell the karate teacher about this. Because the bully shouldn%26#039;t be taking karate if he%26#039;s gonna use it for beating up kids after school. Even if it was only once. The intention was to hurt your grandson and thats not good. Karate is not for hitting people and that kid should know that.|||Absolutely, do it as soon as possible, the last thing us martial artists would want in this f.u.c.k.e.d. up world are trained bullies, martial arts are meant for discipline not violence. Especially from young kids, it%26#039;s a very bad influence.|||I am an instructor and I would not tolerate one of my students being a bully. So absolutely talk to the Instructor. A good instructor will nip it in the bud.|||yes, let the instructor talk to the kid. it is the instructor%26#039;s responsibility to make sure he/she is not making a bully factory.

i like Ms. Humpy%26#039;s answer more, so take a thums up.|||talk to the sensei. say hey my grandson has been bullied by little billy over there. I know karate is used for knowledge and defense, but he%26#039;s abusing that. I%26#039;d appreciate if you%26#039;d speak to him.|||I would say that you might want to try to speak to the parents first if that doesn%26#039;t resolve the problem than go to the intructor.|||It is against the creed of many martial arts instructors and students to use their skills for anything other than self defense.|||He is probably in karate to try to curb his agression. I doubt talking to the instructor would help, but you could try.|||Yes, if the instructor doesn%26#039;t take care of it, give ur grandson a baseball bat and tell him 2 swing away lol.|||Yes he should and should be kicked out for it i do tae kwon do and if my trainer heard of us using it outside training and compitions he would kick us out.........why should this be different|||Hi there,

As a teacher (school and karate), I would like to add my two cents... (sorry it is going to be a little long winded...)

Kids will have moments where they will slip up. They are still learning socializing skills. They are still learning emotional skills. Most of us as adults have not finished our own learning and yet sometimes we expect kids to live up to our levels without the experience that we have lived and gained.

Our job is to help them learn what is acceptable and what is not. We need to teach them the consequences of our actions and everything related to them (ie: religious views associated with behaviours, legal issues, etc).

The challenge is that not all parents nor teachers teach the same things, nor the same way. We cannot impose our own standards on others - but we can and should share our concerns, ideas and opinions.

So, in that vein, I would suggest speaking to the karate teacher AND the class teacher as well as the bully%26#039;s parents. All three of these parties need to be aware of your concerns and ideas so that you can all agree (hopefully) on a course of action that is appropriate - read, that will help the bully %26quot;correct%26quot; his behaviours. Maybe all three are already trying their best to help him. Please consider that. None of them want a bully either.

But they may not have the same ideas or beliefs as you. However, they should be reminded that other people in society will have their opinions towards their little darling. That is really the best you can expect (but please hope and try for more).

So, I would suggest also spending time with your grandson and teach him how to handle these situations. He will need it in the future anyways. He will not come home crying when he is 14 years old. Use this to help him become able to handle his problems.

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