Saturday, May 15, 2010

How long do you take Karate as a white belt before taking your test and moving up?

On average, how long does it take if you are going 3 times per week? What is the white belt test like?|||for me it takes 4 months per belt not including degree%26#039;s but i train 4 times a week for 2 hr and before normal class i%26#039;m in an advanced team so it does not take me long to pass a belt but for some they may fail there test have to do the belt over again but i get more training because i%26#039;m on the competition team witch gives me more experience|||Normally, the first promotion is after about 3 months of practice, with a simple test to show what you have learned.|||It also depends on the instructor and style you are taking. Its usually a few months after.

Alot of schools use belt colors and stripes on the belt as a source of revenue. If you have to pay to test for each stripe and color, it adds up.|||While is there is no time requirement I was a white belt for about 3 months. At the time I was going to the dojo about 4 or 5 times per week. As for the test, I was a little nervous because I was young(10 years gold) and intimidated by all the black belts. But it went quickily.|||it depends on the style. in my style, it takes at least 3 months, and u must show proficiantcy in all that has been taught u, which would be 2 katas|||There is no time requirement.You progress through the stages is by proficiency it is solely by skill and adaptability|||There is no time limit, you%26#039;ll promote when you are ready. It all depends on the style or martial arts you take (some have more belts between white and black so you%26#039;ll promote more often), how good you are (3 days a week means nothing if you don%26#039;t practice outside of class) and the way your instructor does things.

Everyone%26#039;s white belt test is different so no one can tell you what yours will be like unless you talk to other students in the school

If you are trying to get from white belt to the next belt then you are really missing the whole point of training and wasting your time. It isn%26#039;t the destination, it is the journey. The quickest way not to promote is to ask when will you promote.|||It all depends on what style you are taking, and the instructor. Your better instructors know when you are ready, and will let you know it is time to test then. They want you to look good when you take your test. Your white belt test will be over what you have been learning. But your most important thing to remember is to have fun and enjoy yourself.

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