Monday, May 17, 2010

What was the hardest karate belt color you ever received?

Just wondering. I am taking my gold belt test in June so just out of curiosity, which was hardest for you?

Belt Order:










Black(up to 7 degrees)

black stripe=Half way through your blet

star if ya wanna (;|||I have had quite a few tests formally...

Black belt test in Shotokan

Black belt test in Kempo Karate

Red belt test in Soo Bahk Do/Moo Duk Kwan

The red belt test was grueling and hard core.Even though Red blet in SBD is right before !st degree, the test was just really brutal.................|||i do tae kwon do. i am a 2nd degree black belt, but the hardest for me was my green because the test was at nationals in florida, Wesley Snipes was one of the ones judging us. Intense, I recieved a gold for sparring and a silver for forms, it was awesome.|||wells... i take tae kwon do. my hardest was first degree black belt. the test was sooo intense. i%26#039;m going for third degree next friday and saturday and i%26#039;m so nervous.

good luck =]|||I starred and I would have to say White!!! lol.

I did like 5 days of karate because I got like a coupon thingy for like a week of free classes!!!|||I dont bother with belts they give a false sense of security and dont mean anything ! ohh except when you pay money for them!|||For me, it was my 2nd kyu Shotokan brown-belt test.

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