Sunday, April 26, 2009

Where can you get free karate videos on how to do moves,online?

I%26#039;m starting karate, and I%26#039;m a little eager to learn karate moves before I start.When I start karate I would like to know the moves so I don%26#039;t embarass myself.If you could send me the answer to my question(please do),thank you.|||Try looking it up on YouTube. That website has a video for e v e r y t h i n g! Good luck with your karate, I envy you for that!=]|||Start watching those martial arts%26#039; movies and learn the moves from there or enroll urself in an actual class. Good luck!|||

and alot more

have Fun Enjoy

and when your ready go to a


Dojo or Gym

and make friends|||no no no just don%26#039;t start karate. karate is completely useless. try going to youtube or google video and watching some of the Gracie Insider videos. They will show you step by step how to learn excellent Brazilian Jiu-jitsu moves. BJJ is the most single dominant fighting style you can learn.

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