Sunday, April 26, 2009

In karate, how can kids with different color belts be in the same class?

In my karate school, my cousin%26#039;s, and my brother and sister%26#039;s karate schools, they have beginner, intermediate, and advanced in each age level, but they also have several karate belt colors in each class. How can kids with, say, an orange belt be in the same class as someone with a white belt? How would that work?|||Very easily. I teach such classes all the time (in TKD). Everyone does almost the same basic techniques, I just make a few modifications for less experienced students. Students with different belts do different forms. I have no trouble watching them all. It is good for students to sparr those of different rank. Both higher %26amp; lower belt learn from the experience.|||Instructors do this for a variety of reasons, but the main reason is to get students to practice the basics. The basics never change, and any good martial artist never stops practicing them. Either through teaching or being examples for the lower belts to watch, the upper belts learn to think about the basics and whether or not they are doing them correctly. Not everyone is a good teacher, but they should be able to at least recognize good and bad technique in themselves and others. This is why karate ranks frequently practice together, regardless of rank.

Also, rank really isn%26#039;t that important. It may seem like the orange belt is really coming along, but keep in mind that training is a LONG road that does not end at blackbelt. In reality, the jump from white to orange isn%26#039;t all that much. And in many systems, the differences between rank is so minsicule that it doesn%26#039;t even warrant seperate colors. As mentioned before, ranks will often work together in groups during a section of class. My sensei has halted doing this because kids were getting too pig-headed and immature about their ranks. The only thing they cared about was getting the stuff for their next rank and not about good technique. So now we do a lot of waza work as a whole class.|||It is so that the lower belts can watch the higher ranking belts to have a visual aid of what to do. I am a purple belt in TKD Ji Do Kwan, so I am in front of all the lower ranking people when we are lined in order and sometimes teach them from time to time.|||in our classes all the kids are mixed, the higher grades line up at the front while the lower grades are behind them, that way the lower grades can copy the grades above them by watching their technique and the higher grades are not distracted by the lower grades and learn from watching the head instructor, it works great, the class is challengeing and is set to the standard of the highest grades there but the mentality is do your very best, if you have to go a bit slower go a bit slower and eventually you will catch up to the standard

In most school i know is like that anyway, the system you describe sounds strange to me|||The instructor would teach a group at a time. Then, while they are practicing, he will instruct a different group.|||the order is white yellow orange green blur purple red brown black not there may be like a high green wiht would just have a stripe on the blet now how the diffrent colors work in a class whne i am teaching we all do the same thing for warm up punching kicking ect if there is somethign advanced i will say wite belts front kick yellow belts round house kick ect i will tell the diffrent belts wat i want done now as for forms or katas the higher belt will do the lower form or kata with them and we will break off into ranks (coloerd belts ) and finish with class|||group rates contrary to private.

It is very easy to have a class practice as a group but each training in their own criteria. I have always been lucky and trained with much higher ranking Black Belts, but as a Brown and as a Green I still trained with Blacks in Black Belt class.

As a white and yellow I had a Brown belt always as my workout partner. This helped me establish what worked for me and what didn%26#039;t.|||They can be in the same class cause the teacfher pobably teach the same thing. People differe classes cause it would b hard to train a white belt and a red belt at the same time, so it would b hard. Orange and white are nearly the same belts, only 1 belt different so it reallt wouldnt matter.|||cause they teach the same thing which is good in some aspects but it sucks for the higher ranks|||I don%26#039;t see much point in seperating Orange and White belts. Maybe above Green and below Green belts. Or if the class is just too large. But, orange is still pretty low ranked.

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