Sunday, April 26, 2009

Karate Uniforms... What the difference between lightweight and heavy wieght?

My younger brother and I are interested in karate and might started learning. We were wondering if we should get lightweight or heavyweight uniforms. What%26#039;s the difference? We are only beginners.|||A heavy weight uniform is usually ten or twelve weight and a cotton or cotton and canvas blend material. I wear nothing but them for the most part as they are more comfortable, last a great deal longer and are more warmer in the winter. Being heavier material they are more durable and don%26#039;t tear or rip very easily even when grappling or practicing Judo and Jujitsu techniques. Because they are somewhat hotter some people don%26#039;t like them.

A light weight gi is only four or six weight material and while cooler it will not last more than a year or two. They rip very easily and if the class you are considering does anything in the way of serious self-defense the top could get ripped off your back or sleeve ripped off. I do not sell or carry light weight uniforms for these reasons. You almost always buy a second gi if you stay with martial arts. It helps to cut down on the time you spend washing if you have two rather than one to wear. I would consider buying a middleweight gi if it is available and skip the light weight gi entirely and once staying with it you can purchase another or even get a more expensive heavy weight one if you can handle the heat of it during summer time classes. I have some heavy weight gis that are ten years old and that will give you an idea of how much more durable one is.|||start with a polyestercotton mix.. it is cheaper and when you get promoted in karate, you can get a more quality one.. heavier gi%26#039;s (uniforms) material can %26#039;pop%26#039; when you punch and kick, giving a nice sound when you train.. a light weight gi gives more freedom of movement.. i prefer a heavier gi because canvas or heavy cotton does not stick when you are sweating..

but when you start, with the cheaper gi get polyester in the mix of cotton.. 100% cotton will stick when you sweat and 100% polyester will not veventilat enough

|||depends on the art that you train, if your art has a lot of grappling and trowing get a heavy or judo ji, but if it is like tae kwon do, you can go for light. and I%26#039;m sorry for sensei that believe an uniform make a difference when is wet, training and having the wrong equitment makes a difference.|||Lightweight breathes more and you won%26#039;t sweat as much. However, they also wear out faster.

Heavyweight will last a long time, but you%26#039;ll be hot and sweaty.

If you and your brother will be growing, I wouldn%26#039;t bother investing in heavyweight gi%26#039;s. I have about 1/2 heavy and 1/2 light but I%26#039;m an adult. My daughter has all light weight and she%26#039;ll out grow all of them.|||A heavyweight gi is durable. It also adds a degree of difficulty to your training as it gets heavier as you sweat.

Lightweight gi really don%26#039;t have a plce in martial arts training.

They should be used as pajamas.|||light weight would be the one I used Heavyweight is for

Judo and Lightweight you can move faster when you

do the workout and karate from.

look at my School here

|||Lightweight is as it says light.It will rip easier say if you are in judo,or you mix it up a lot.Go with heavy the cotton is much more durable and Gi%26#039;s are not cheap today.|||allways use heavy wieght . sandman

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