Sunday, April 26, 2009

What ideas do you have in teaching my first karate class?

Our style is Okinawan karate, and I%26#039;ve been asked to lead class for the first time. We just had a class where we reviewed basic kicks, so I need something different. We will have a 1/2 hour of PT (physical training, stretching, a few forms, etc) and then I have an hour to fill. I was thinking along the lines of mental toughness in many of life%26#039;s circumstances. Any other suggestions? |||Since you just had a class on basic kicks why not work off of that by having them practice throwing their kicks off angle. Many times students practice throwing them only straight ahead. That will not always be the case in a street situation where your opponent is at twelve o%26#039;clock and you are at a six o%26#039;clock position or in competition either. People move or sometimes are not directly in front of you and this will get them thinking about that and compensating for it. Have them shorten up or pivoting further and throwing those front, side and round-house kicks at the two and ten o%26#039;clock positions. I would also have them practice throwing a basic back fist, ridge-hand, and reverse punch at the ten and two o%26#039;clock positions as well for the same reasons. You can then have them practice throwing their kicks with their shoes on. This also is good training for self-defense and students will find that their balance and ability to flex their foot, toes, and ankle is a little different than just always kicking in their bare feet. They might even find that some kicks are not practical or as easily executed. |||Quite honestly I do not know anyone, no matter what level, that will not benefit from working the basics. You said you had reviewed basic kicks, so review basic punches and blocks.

Another interesting thing is to break up into groups, assign each group a basic or portion of kata, and tell them to come up with a realistic application for it, and not the standard one that is taught. Make sure that what they come up with will actually work against the biggest guys in the class.

What style of Okinawin karate may I ask? |||I would go through all the basics, especially if there are brand new students in the class so nobody feels overwhelmed. I always tried to personalize a class and talk about experiences you%26#039;ve had, put yourself in their position and ask yourself, %26quot; what would make this an awesome class%26quot; so when you left you couldn%26#039;t wait to get back and hear and learn more. Thats what my instructor has always done and I do as well.|||Well this may sound sort of odd, or even fruity lmao, but sit everyone down, and have them talk about like their problems, or why they are in your class, what is there motivation to do better. This will build trust and also help clear their mind.|||you can continue with your basics or focus on katas. body conditioning is always good too||| mix it up do forms and weapons and breaking and rape self defence and knife and gun defence. grand master sandman in the arts since 1970.|||Just follow your basics. |||keep going through basics just punches kicks and blocks or maybe some sparring.

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