Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is the best workout for karate?

I%26#039;m thinking about starting karate soon and I just want to know what the best starting workout would be for someone who doesn%26#039;t usually workout.|||HONESTLY, if you have not trained or worked out in a long time take your time getting back into it and do not over due yourself.

stretch alot and do a pace you can do and slowly increase that pace each workout or every other workout if you can, then eventually you will gain stronger lungs and better flexibility and stamina,

Having someone to help you stretch your legs is helpful.

Any work out that will get you into shape is good of any sort so long as you like it and enjoy it.

try differant karate schools, even kung fu or other Martial arts styles. They are ALL good, is best to find whom is the best teacher and has the most to offer you as a student and choose a teacher based on your needs.|||you could take a capoeira class once a week and then escalate to 2, after a ferw months.

Capoeira really improved my stamina real fast, and my jumps and kicks. It%26#039;s really fun, so you woin%26#039;t realize you%26#039;re working out until the next day.

yoga can also help for beginners. So does startin a good carido workout (hence the capoeira )|||running, to build your cardio and legs muscles, crunches to build your core muscles, and push-ups to start building some upper body strength as well as pull ups to do the same. anything else, i%26#039;m sure your instructor will eventually let you know. oh and DON%26#039;T FORGET TO STRETCH!!

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