Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is it possible to keep my grade when switching from Ed Parker's Karate Kempo to Kajukembo and viceversa?

I mean studying Karate Kempo for a few years, attaining 4潞 kyu, then going into Kajukembo and not having to start from the beginning again, but being recognized the rank.|||No in general when you change to a new system you empty your cup and start over as a white belt or even NO belt at all until given a white belt.

I had a Nidan at the time in parker Kenpo when I joined Shotokan and I started off as a No belt, we wore a rope! after three months we got our white belts. Yes my kenpo training helped but it also hindered me too in ways it did not others.

As my teacher put it to me, take a piece of clay untouched and not molded and then try to shape it into something. It is much easier to shape something when it is not already formed. So if you take too much of your kenpo with you then you will have conflicts in learning their style properly. You have to empty your cup, your mind of your Kenpo knowledge for now and do it the way they show you. Just make sure it is a reputable school of course.

NOW if you were just a GUEST at the school then they would recognize your rank. A Guest is far different than a new student. OR if you were to go to a different Kenpo school they most likely would accept your rank after a test.

I hope that makes sense.|||No it isn%26#039;t possible.

Even within the same style of martial art, if it isn%26#039;t the same association or organization, the rank is usually not officially recognized.

A teacher might, and let me stress %26quot;might%26quot;, let you wear your belt but it isn%26#039;t the best way to do it. Especially as just a 4th kyu. I am sorry. You have probably worked very hard for that but it is a minor rank that is quickly regained. If you have any talent that applies to the new art you will rise quickly in that school%26#039;s ranks.

Even as a 4dan, if I went to another school, I would toss on a white belt. The ability would speak for itself. I would be able to do some things and yet new stuff would be new to me, just like the other beginners.

Spend your time focusing on the skills, not the silly thing aroudn your waist.|||Not likely.

The belts are not interchangeable on any system.

Your instructor could test you, and grade you based on that, which could start you higher.

good luck!|||The training is what is important not the belt. your belt will not keep you safe. I%26#039;d suggest that you forget about what belt you are wearing and continue to learn and perfect good self-defense.

If you are having a problem with not being tested for rank. then your mind is not on what is important.

If you just must get rank promotions there are plenty of McDojos out there that will gladly take your money and make sure that you get promoted.

Honestly your training attitue and skills are the only thing important here.|||Every time you learn a new system you need to start at some lower level. That doesn%26#039;t mean you need to start at ground zero. A good school will allow you to test at some level and maybe advance a bit faster at first. This is if the arts are similar. If the arts are not similar like Akido vs Tae Kwan Do than you need to start at the beginning you will miss to much otherwise. You may be a good fighter. that is not necessarily the point. the point is to unlock the system.

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